Insurance Commission

List of Insurance Agents with Active License


List of Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 16 May 2024
List of Non-Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 09 May 2024
List of Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 09 May 2024
List of Non-Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 02 May 2024
List of Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 02 May 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11


List of Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 09 November 2023
List of Non-Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 03 November 2023
List of Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 03 November 2023
List of Non-Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 26 October 2023
List of Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 26 October 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9