Insurance Commission

List of Insurance Agents with Active License


List of Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 07 March 2024
List of Non-Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 04 March 2024
List of Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 04 March 2024
List of Non-Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 22 February 2024
List of Life Insurance Agents with Active License as of 22 February 2024
1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11


List of Insurance Agents with Active License as of 03 August 2023
List of Insurance Agents with Active License as of 27 July 2023
List of Insurance Agents with Active License as of 21 July 2023
List of Insurance Agents with Active License as of 13 July 2023
List of Insurance Agents with Active License as of 07 July 2023
1 2 6 7 8 9